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StepChange about roundwood market at conference on April 25th

Tuesday, April 02 2019
Aleksey Beschastnov, senior manager at StepChange Consulting (Austria), plans to make a presentation about roundwood market at 4th International conference “Timber & sawn wood market”.

The event will take place on April 25, 2019 at the Intercontinental Hotel Moscow Tverskaya (Tverskaya 22).

Beschastnov’s presentation reviews wood price hike and competitiveness of Russia’s businesses on the global market.

StepChange is an independent management consulting company which serves the forest and paper value chain.

Among key topics on the conference’s agenda are: 

  • Global Markets Development. Russia's Role in the Global Context
  • Trends in the Russian Wood Industry. Government Regulation of the Wood Market
  • Wood Market Pricing in Russia and Worldwide. Trading instruments
  • Special Considerations of Timber and Sawn Wood Transportation
For registration and more information please contact us on +7(495) 745-75-42 or e-mail:

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