
Reforestation in Kemerovo region at February conference

Thursday, December 26 2019
The experience and problems of reforestation in the largest mining regions of the country will be presented at 5th national conference «Land use in mineral resources development.»

The conference will take place on February 27-28 at Intercontinental Tverskaya hotel (Moscow, Tverskaya 22).

The representative of Kemerovo region’s Complex forestry department will speak about the realization of Federal law (не уверена, нужно ли полностью переводить название закона?) «About approval of the rules for carrying out works on reforestation or forestry by persons using forests in accordance with Articles 43-46 of the Forest Code of the Russian Federation and persons applying for a change purpose» in the territory of Kemerovo region.

For registration and more information please contact us on +7(495) 745-75-42 or e-mail:

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