
CEN/TC 189 to present European standards of geosynthetics on 24 May

Monday, April 04 2016
Daniele Cazzuffi, сhairman of European Standardization Committee – CEN/TC 189 – Geosynthetics, will highlight relevant test methods and harmonized approach to facilitate the use of European and International standards of geosynthetics. Presentation will be made in the framework of the International conference “Use of geosynthetics in road construction” on 24 May in Moscow.

Priorities of CEN/TC 189 include facilitating circulation of goods on the European market by means of (harmonized) European standards, improvement of first generation standards (tests and product requirements) from the experience gathered in the market, preventing the entrance in the  market of uncontrolled product and therefore prevent unfair competition by making available European Standards in the domain of geosynthetics.

The focus of the conference is to discuss geosynthetics quality management, effective use of geosynthetic materials in engineering, construction and renovation of roads in the framework of Russia’s state regulations.

The conference’s delegates can enjoy special prices for room reservation at the Hilton Leningradskaya Hotel.

For registration and more information please contact us on +7(495) 775-07-40 or e-mail: